glass bottle with straw

Do you know the little secrets about drinking water?

You will definitely find it strange that I have been drinking water for so many years. What little secrets can water have? Out of curiosity, today FuWinn Housewares want to share with you some health tips about drinking water. hope that it can help us

Do you know how to choose water?

It is recommended that everyone drink pure water. Generally, we can buy some well-known brand water purifiers, which can also effectively filter impurities in the water.

If conditions permit, deep groundwater can also be used, which is a better choice. Because this type of water is rich in minerals, it is particularly beneficial to human health. Some rare minerals are exactly what our bodies lack.

We can also boil water to keep it clean.

When must you drink water?

We must take the initiative to drink water, especially during these three periods of time

One of the important principles of healthy drinking habits is to take the initiative to drink water. When you are thirsty, your body has already sent out a distress signal for water shortage. Among them, special attention should be paid to these three time periods to strengthen the awareness of taking the initiative to drink water.

1. getting up in the morning

Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning to reduce blood viscosity and increase circulating blood volume.

2.Before going to bed

Drinking a glass of water before going to bed (but be careful not to drink a lot of water half an hour before going to bed) will help prevent the increase in blood viscosity at night.

3.After heavy sweating

After exercise or heavy sweating, you should promptly and proactively replenish enough water as needed. Light salt water or sports drinks should be added after exercise to replenish the water and electrolytes lost during rapid and heavy sweating during exercise.

In the case of heavy sweating, such as athletes, farmers, soldiers, miners, construction workers, firefighters and other people with high levels of physical activity, pay attention to supplementing additional water with appropriate addition of light salt water (concentration is 0.9%). The main purpose is to prevent the loss of sodium ions caused by excessive sweating, maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, and replenish sodium salt.

How much water should you drink that day?

Generally, healthy adults need to drink about 2700-3000 ml of water every day, but this amount includes water produced by body metabolism, water ingested from food, and water taken in through drinking water. The recommended minimum daily water intake for lightly active adults living in moderate climates is 1500-1700 ml (approximately 7-8 cups).

It should be noted that people who work or exercise in high-temperature environments in summer will sweat more. Therefore, the amount of water consumed should be appropriately increased according to the individual’s physical load and heat stress state.

What should I do if I drink too much water?

It is best not to exceed the amount of water mentioned above. Because excessive drinking of water can also put a burden on the body and lead to electrolyte imbalance, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness and headaches, so the amount of water you drink needs to be moderate. It’s not unlimited drinking.

Do you know what mistakes you should avoid when drinking water?

Let’s talk about bad drinking habits and methods in detail from the following three points.

1. Can I drink a lot of water?

We should not drink large gulps of water while eating, as this will affect the digestion and absorption of food.

2. Can I drink ice water?

We do not recommend drinking ice water immediately, as this can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

3. Can I keep drinking tea?

We also do not recommend excessive consumption of tea and sugary drinks, which will increase the burden on the kidneys and bladder.

In order for us to have a better body, if you have some of the wrong ways of drinking water mentioned above, it is best to slowly adjust and change them.

So what kind of water bottle should you use to hold water?

Here we recommend that you choose a high borosilicate glass water bottles bulk or ceramic cup to drink water directly. Because this type of water bottle is more palatable, it can also avoid endocrine disruption that plastic products may cause. If you want to choose a plastic cup, it is best to choose a non-PC type. In the previous article, we also explained in detail the specific choices and specific functions of various types of cups.

Finally, of course, I am also very concerned about the quality of the metal water bottles bulk, so when choosing a new brand, I must carefully consider whether some quality issues are clearly marked, whether the certificates are complete, etc. I hope that while enjoying the convenience of the thermos cup, you must also pay attention to the correct and safe use. Only in this way can the original intention of health care be reflected and some potential risks avoided.